I feel like Christmas this year has been simply wonderful and wonderfully simple. We've spent time with friends and family, played games, given and received and felt the spirit of memory building.
We have managed to get to a few different places in the last month. One of them was Lincoln which boasts one of the most stunning cathedrals in England (and therefore, the world!). I love to visit churches and cathedrals - they make a real impression on me as I try to imagine the people who built them with religious fervour.
It's the simple things that really add wonder. I've long been a fan of black and white movies and it is usually the simple but intriguing story lines, the total lack of special effects and the reliance on interesting dialogue that amuses me.
Another simple thing I love is going for walks. England is such a beautifully green (and as you will see from the mud on the pictures, brown) country.
Here we were on Christmas Eve walking around Kedleston Hall . Fans of the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice may recognise it!
We tend to over-complicate life, just because we can. Like the times when we try and be over-inventive with Christmas presents rather than going for something solid that we know will be appreciated such as someone's favourite chocolate. I'm definitely someone who can confess to being guilty of this. I like to seem savvy and smart when in reality it's more important to try and make someone happy, no matter how simple it might seem.
I like truth to be simple, too. I studied Philosophy and Ethics at A Level and enjoyed considering these different view points but mostly I like the simple explanations. I feel like just because I have a brain and the power of reflecting on ridiculously complicated aspects of philosophy doesn't mean that I should. In fact, it bothers me to focus on the complex when in reality, I haven't learned the simple lessons perfectly yet!
One thing I've loved receiving this Christmas is the book "Bonds that Make us Free". It's a book about relationships with others and how we improve them. To me, that is the ultimate key to life and happiness. If I learn nothing else, achieving better communication and feelings for others would be hugely beneficial. Sometimes it's these things that are shrouded by very little mystery that are actually far trickier than the essays you could write on 'whether Adam had a belly button'.
They also mean a lot more. It's been a joy to spend Christmas with these people and others from our extended family. 2013 brought me a new brother-in-law. It's been great to see a new addition to our family and especially to see the joy that has brought. People are wonderful and it's fun to develop understanding and love for all the different personalities that surround us.
Roll on 2014!!!
Monday, 30 December 2013
Friday, 20 December 2013
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potes
Once upon a time, I had an interview at Oxford. That was a long time ago, when I was applying to study medicine. From that time, despite the fact that the University and I didn't suit each other, I have loved the city of Oxford. It's fantastic!
If you want to see an English city with character and culture, you really can't do better. I love the cream-grey limestone that adorns the city walls and the Radcliffe Camera (below).
During my brief trip to Oxford I went into the Bod Library and looked at an exhibition about medical advances that have been made in Oxford. It was really amazing to see the contribution of one university and imagine the combined contributions of universities and students across the country in changing the world.
A lot of these advances stemmed from brilliant ideas. Not just ideas about what to do practically but ideas that were philosophical or scientific and the mere thought motivated and informed the way that knowledge was pursued. Look at this gem (the translation of the title of this post):
"Nothing can be sufficiently known without experiment"
This idea was essential to scientific and medical advancement. It informed the structure of the evidence-based medicine we still practice today. Perhaps Roger Bacon wasn't the first person who had this thought, but the fact that he did is still remembered and quoted.
Though this is a rule for science, I started to think about how it applies to life and faith. Often when we talk about faith we don't think it can be experiential and maybe we're right in the fact that it doesn't seem to be a formula that produces something measurable by the senses we easily appreciate in our temporal world. Faith itself is not a raging wind or a colour or anything else we can easily perceive as being factual.
However, let's assume that we can apply the rule to it - that we can know these things by experimenting on them and finding out the consequences. After all, we live in an empirical world in which theory and logic are often not sound enough for us. We need to prove things.
I'm a great fan of logic but I have to say that sometimes, for me, logic doesn't explain this world. There are so many things that happen around me every day - feelings I have, things that I do because I felt they were right and they turn out to be so. Call it intuition - but I'm not that smart!
Evidence builds up for me in everything. Let me share a silly and trivial experience from my week. While I know this was silly, I'll tell you about it because of how it made me feel.
I was going to do our weekly shop and had written out my list. I had some cash in my purse but thought I was really pushing it as to whether it would be enough for the things we needed. I have to admit I felt a bit down going around the shop and looking at the things piling up in the trolley. I thought I would have to put it all on my card, thereby not sticking to my budget. Finances are something we're working on at the moment as a couple and it was important to me to get this right.
Anyway, I got to the till and went through the self-checkout to save myself the embarrassment of not having enough cash. I put everything through, packing it into bags and hardly daring to look. When I did glance up at the end it was £5.00 over what I had in my purse. I pressed the total button and it came down to just £1.59 over the amount of notes I had. I checked my coin compartment and just didn't think it looked like enough but I took a deep breath and started feeding in my coins. As I fed the last penny into the machine, I looked up and it read £0.00 to pay. I took my receipt, gathered my things and seriously wanted to cry as I walked out of the shop. Because... Heavenly Father loves me. Because, in that moment I felt like someone was watching out for me and desperately trying to let me know that He was aware of my needs - even if that need was just to feel loved in that moment.
I told you it was a trivial thing but I'm grateful for those little moments.
It's always nice to receive a big bunch of flowers or a weekend away or anything from someone who loves you - but to me real love means consistently being shown love in action. That's the way Heavenly Father loves us. He doesn't send us wads of cash so our purse is full to overflowing - He just makes sure we have that last penny every time.
Want an experiment? Get down on your knees (somewhere private so you can feel daft on your own if this isn't something you do routinely) and just simply ask Heavenly Father in whatever way you feel comfortable with how He feels about you, or even if He is there. Just try it. :)
If you're not in the mood for experiments why not listen to this, just to balance it up between Oxford and Cambridge:
Monday, 16 December 2013
The Most Wonderful Time of The Year
Christmas is now less than ten days away which feels strange because this time last year the world was covered in snow more or less constantly... or maybe I'm remembering it all wrong and that was actually January. Either way, despite the fact that I'm not particularly a fan of the snow I feel like this season should be more snowy!
However, the Christmas spirit has definitely entered our household. It really started kicking off 9 days ago with the arrival of our second Christmas tree.
Now, I know opinions can be very divided on the subject of Christmas trees but for me it has to be real. Ideally picked from a forest so I can go and immerse myself in the wonderful fragrant aroma of fir trees.mmmm.....
Anyway, this year we went to a warehouse locally with my parents and picked up our beautiful tree.
It doesn't shed needles because of an amazing stand we have for it. Honestly would completely recommend the one we have and it made the tree really easy to put up. Not that I was particularly involved in that part!
We put on the Michael Buble, got out the shloer and danced our way through the lights, baubles and beads.
We are not particularly tinsel people. I say not particularly... I don't like to touch the stuff! I have seen trees look absolutely beautiful with tinsel but I'm not a fan of the texture so putting it on our tree (or anywhere in the house) is a no-no for me. It is fine seen from a distance. Much like wigs.
Finally, we got a tree that looked something like this:
The pinnacle of the decoration, really, is the picture at the top of this post. Our nativity decoration.
I was speaking to a friend who is religious recently and she was bemoaning the fact that everyone stresses out so much to celebrate one day that in reality doesn't mean much to people who don't believe in Christ. The commercial elements of the season are sometimes overpowering, that's true, but I'm still grateful that the non-religious people in the world do acknowledge Christmas and use it for spending time with family and friends.
Because, you see, ultimately the message of Christ and subsequently Christmas is love - and whatever you do or don't believe at this time of year it is always nice to surround people a little bit more with love.
This is a scene from a Mr Kruger's Christmas, which I hope you enjoy:
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, 12 December 2013
The Magic of Books...
A whole new world was created in this series and yet it seemed like it was only a step away from the world in which we live. We all accepted our position as muggles, yet through the books we learned a new lesson in magic. The beauty of Harry Potter, for me, is its simplicity. A boy finds out he is a wizard and goes to a wizarding school. You know that feeling when you hear a new song and you feel like you've always known the tune? That's how Harry Potter makes me feel.
2. Help, It's Harriet by Jean Ure
"PROPER PENS OUT! BALL-POINTS IN!" - this is my main memory of this entertaining book which I, obviously, loved because the main character shares my name. It's a book about a young girl who is constantly trying to help but is totally accident-prone. We had this as a book-on-tape and I remember hearing it on holidays. I laughed and revolted as Harriet caused trouble.
3. The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
With illustrations as well recognised as the stories themselves, it's easy to fall in love with a world in which animals full of character run around having adventures. I remember visiting the Lake District as a child and seeing the garden wherein the little blue Peter-Rabbit jacket hung as a scarecrow.
4. A Mouse Called Wolf by Dick King-Smith
"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" is a mouse you can seriously learn to love. He's a mouse that dreams big and accomplishes much. While I was learning a love for music, so was Wolf. His name is wonderfully ironic and I love jokes like that in childrens' books.
5. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
You know you carry a book with you when you see it in life. Whenever I see a walled garden with an interesting wooden door I wonder whether a secret garden lies behind it. I love stories that make you cry and fill you will hope of a better life. This story does that for me.
6. Beaver Towers by Nigel Hinton
I remember reading these books at school. I loved the details like the characters Mick, Ann and Nick whose profession was.... Oh, I forget! ;) I remember telling someone I knew that the answer to a question they had was the shape of the islands in Beaver Towers. These stories were exciting to me. I still occasionally call people named Phillip "Flipip" in my head.
7. The Five Find-Outers or The Mystery Series by Enid Blyton
Enid Blyton makes most people's list of children's authors, but my choice is probably not a classic favourite. I read the Secret Seven and the Famous Five but my favourite stories were the stories of Fatty and the others: Larry, Daisy, Pip and Betts and the additional member, Buster the dog. My favourite story was The Mystery of the Invisible Thief. Fatty was always the hero of the books and would come up with a wonderful explanation in the end. The books always had me completely intrigued.
8. The Blue Balloon by Mike Inkpen
This is my favourite illustrated children's book. I loved it especially because of the pull-out rainbow balloon in the end. That, to me, was magic!
9. We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen
"We're going on a bear hunt. We're going on a bear hunt." Please watch this video performed by the author. Actually amazing! When Mom read this to us, she would say a line and we would chant it back to her. It was great fun and I still do it when I'm on a walk with Ben. Please lend us your children so he can have his sanity back.
10. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
I think I read the Hobbit when I was about ten years old. As an adult I find Tolkiens writing a bit harder but as a child I remember not struggling over the way it was written at all because I fell deeply into Bilbo's world. It completely absorbed my imagination. In "Riddles in the Dark" I was right there with Gollum and Bilbo, trying to work out the answers. I felt like Bilbo - like at any moment my ordinary world could be plunged into adventure - and it was when I read that book!
11. The Bad-Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle
Looking back on this book I laugh. I think I was the bad-tempered ladybird when I was younger. I wasn't afraid to pick fights even if it meant I may one day get swatted by something much bigger than I am. I still love the story and I think it has a great message for kids!
12. Horton Hears a Who by Dr Seuss
"WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE!" - In my opinion this is Dr Seuss' best book. I love the tale of Horton the Elephant who finds out that "a person's a person no matter how small" and sticks to his knowledge when everyone around him doubts. It is a great book!
13. Little Bear's Trousers by Jane Hissey
It still makes me giggle that they used Little Bear's Trousers as icing bags. I love the pictures and story. I loved the 'Old Bear' books in general, but this was my favourite.
14. Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown
Stanley is flattened at the beginning of this book. It's a trauma and tragedy that I, as a child, readily accepted. Things do happen, after all. I liked imagining what he could do with his new 2-dimensional proportions. I remember writing about it at school.
15. Can't You Sleep, Little Bear? by Martin Waddell
This was me. I was always the little bear who "couldn't sleep" - I loved the story of the bear being taken out into the night to see the moon. A great book for eye-close time.
16. Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
I have to admit to reading these outside of my 'childhood' years. I don't know why people don't talk about Artermis Fowl more. These books make me laugh out loud. I can't wait to introduce my kids to Mulch Diggums and explaining to them what a "kleptomaniac" is. The first book, in particular, is an absolute treat. It has a magical world and a wonderfully lovable villain.
17. The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark by Jill Tomlinson
Who ever thought of a barn owl called Plop? It's amazing what you can get away with in children's books. It never seemed odd to me! In the different chapters Plop meets individuals who teach him about why the dark is so great and how exciting it can be. A great book for teaching children not to be scared at bed time!
18. What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge
Some books affect you deeply and this had that impact on me. It was hard to 'feel and see' Katy's pain as she becomes bed-bound after an accident falling off a swing. Through her experiences she grows and learns. I often still think about the poem "In School" that Katy is sent by her cousin on Valentine's day. It's a lesson in learning from pain and from love. I cherish this book!
19. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
If I could choose any fictional world to live in it would be Narnia. I have heard The Chronicles of Narnia criticized as being too preachy. As a Christian, I love them because they teach about Christ. I'm grateful for the understanding that came to me as I read and heard (we had it on tape!) about Aslan the Lion and the sacrifice he made for the mistakes that had been made. But, aside from that - Jack Lewis created a world that was incredibly rich - a massive playground for children's imaginations.
20. Jeremy James by David Henry Wilson
Every time I'm poorly it's because "errmm.. well... a red licorice allsort has probably had a fight with a blue licorice allsort". When I feel tiny in a crowd I am "weaving in and out of the leg jungle". When I see a tower of tins, I know that the very best one must be right on the bottom. David Henry Wilson, I salute you. Just remembering the antics of the (very brave) Jeremy James has brought laughter to me. Just be warned: you may need to explain to your children that as a rule their Uncle Arthur won't come into the house wearing black in the middle of the night.
6. Beaver Towers by Nigel Hinton
I remember reading these books at school. I loved the details like the characters Mick, Ann and Nick whose profession was.... Oh, I forget! ;) I remember telling someone I knew that the answer to a question they had was the shape of the islands in Beaver Towers. These stories were exciting to me. I still occasionally call people named Phillip "Flipip" in my head.
7. The Five Find-Outers or The Mystery Series by Enid Blyton
Enid Blyton makes most people's list of children's authors, but my choice is probably not a classic favourite. I read the Secret Seven and the Famous Five but my favourite stories were the stories of Fatty and the others: Larry, Daisy, Pip and Betts and the additional member, Buster the dog. My favourite story was The Mystery of the Invisible Thief. Fatty was always the hero of the books and would come up with a wonderful explanation in the end. The books always had me completely intrigued.
8. The Blue Balloon by Mike Inkpen
This is my favourite illustrated children's book. I loved it especially because of the pull-out rainbow balloon in the end. That, to me, was magic!
9. We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen
"We're going on a bear hunt. We're going on a bear hunt." Please watch this video performed by the author. Actually amazing! When Mom read this to us, she would say a line and we would chant it back to her. It was great fun and I still do it when I'm on a walk with Ben. Please lend us your children so he can have his sanity back.
10. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
I think I read the Hobbit when I was about ten years old. As an adult I find Tolkiens writing a bit harder but as a child I remember not struggling over the way it was written at all because I fell deeply into Bilbo's world. It completely absorbed my imagination. In "Riddles in the Dark" I was right there with Gollum and Bilbo, trying to work out the answers. I felt like Bilbo - like at any moment my ordinary world could be plunged into adventure - and it was when I read that book!
11. The Bad-Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle
Looking back on this book I laugh. I think I was the bad-tempered ladybird when I was younger. I wasn't afraid to pick fights even if it meant I may one day get swatted by something much bigger than I am. I still love the story and I think it has a great message for kids!
12. Horton Hears a Who by Dr Seuss
"WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE!" - In my opinion this is Dr Seuss' best book. I love the tale of Horton the Elephant who finds out that "a person's a person no matter how small" and sticks to his knowledge when everyone around him doubts. It is a great book!
13. Little Bear's Trousers by Jane Hissey
It still makes me giggle that they used Little Bear's Trousers as icing bags. I love the pictures and story. I loved the 'Old Bear' books in general, but this was my favourite.
14. Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown
Stanley is flattened at the beginning of this book. It's a trauma and tragedy that I, as a child, readily accepted. Things do happen, after all. I liked imagining what he could do with his new 2-dimensional proportions. I remember writing about it at school.
15. Can't You Sleep, Little Bear? by Martin Waddell
This was me. I was always the little bear who "couldn't sleep" - I loved the story of the bear being taken out into the night to see the moon. A great book for eye-close time.
16. Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
I have to admit to reading these outside of my 'childhood' years. I don't know why people don't talk about Artermis Fowl more. These books make me laugh out loud. I can't wait to introduce my kids to Mulch Diggums and explaining to them what a "kleptomaniac" is. The first book, in particular, is an absolute treat. It has a magical world and a wonderfully lovable villain.
17. The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark by Jill Tomlinson
Who ever thought of a barn owl called Plop? It's amazing what you can get away with in children's books. It never seemed odd to me! In the different chapters Plop meets individuals who teach him about why the dark is so great and how exciting it can be. A great book for teaching children not to be scared at bed time!
18. What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge
Some books affect you deeply and this had that impact on me. It was hard to 'feel and see' Katy's pain as she becomes bed-bound after an accident falling off a swing. Through her experiences she grows and learns. I often still think about the poem "In School" that Katy is sent by her cousin on Valentine's day. It's a lesson in learning from pain and from love. I cherish this book!
19. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
If I could choose any fictional world to live in it would be Narnia. I have heard The Chronicles of Narnia criticized as being too preachy. As a Christian, I love them because they teach about Christ. I'm grateful for the understanding that came to me as I read and heard (we had it on tape!) about Aslan the Lion and the sacrifice he made for the mistakes that had been made. But, aside from that - Jack Lewis created a world that was incredibly rich - a massive playground for children's imaginations.
20. Jeremy James by David Henry Wilson
Every time I'm poorly it's because "errmm.. well... a red licorice allsort has probably had a fight with a blue licorice allsort". When I feel tiny in a crowd I am "weaving in and out of the leg jungle". When I see a tower of tins, I know that the very best one must be right on the bottom. David Henry Wilson, I salute you. Just remembering the antics of the (very brave) Jeremy James has brought laughter to me. Just be warned: you may need to explain to your children that as a rule their Uncle Arthur won't come into the house wearing black in the middle of the night.
Harry Potter Studios
We're heading into a magical time of year.
I'm not a fan of the cold - I'm a creature that is much happier in a tropical climate, thank you very much! I've regularly heard people remarking on the heat when they walk into our flat. There is one insanely brilliant thing about this time of year though and there are no prizes for guessing what that is- CHRISTMAS!
I'm officially "allowed" to talk about it now - it's less than one month away, after all. Plus, during our weekend trip to London we saw Christmas trees up and decorated and even got to see the preparations at Hogwarts for Christmas.
As I said, it's a magical time of year!
It's a great time for celebrating and getting together with family. Ben and I had a totally wonderful weekend with Ben's parents, Graham and Judith.
We always have a lot of fun when we go and visit them and our adventures take us to London quite often which is something that I love to bits! It's really fun to be able to explore and experience things together. Ben always says that he can't get a word in edge-ways when we all get going talking about something or other.
One thing that often becomes a topic of conversation (less with Graham and Ben - but certainly with Judith and I) is books. Anyone who knows me knows I am a total bookworm. I love to read. I love to be recommended books and to recommend books. I try and influence everyone around me to get as enthusiastic about reading as I am. In our marriage, this has led to reading "Life of Pi" and "The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of The Window and Disappeared" out loud together as I have tried to impact Ben. I think he's enjoyed it!
There are books that touch me deeply. They give me memories and they inspire me. I will never forget the first time I cried with Katy or the moment I first read the line, "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again." I've loved all kinds of fiction from the sublime to the ridiculous. I admire good writing. I also love stories that suck you in.
How about this one?
I devoured the Harry Potter books. I remember reading the sixth one under the desk at the back of a history class and having the teacher come past and, instead of telling me off, asking me "How is it???" in excited tones.
The nation - the world - fell in love with this book. I mean, they had to print an adult cover due to the need to 'legitimise' all the grown-ups that were just as thrilled about the world of Quidditch, Hippogriffs and Wizards.
I loved visiting the Warner Brothers Studios and taking a step back into my childhood. I grew up with Harry Potter - the characters are my peers! It was absolutely amazing to see the sets and the amount of work it took to bring Harry Potter to life on screen. It was already very much 3-D to me as I read the books but it was actually pretty moving to imagine how it must feel to see the fruits of your imagination being realised.
Imagine being J.K. Rowling!
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
It is the festive season and I'm starting to get jolly. Blogs will certainly reflect that.
I was actually writing a blog about our visit to the Warner Brothers Studios - and I'm going to carry on writing that at some point. However, there is a subject that has grabbed my attention and is of a more serious nature so I wanted to write about this now so I can post amusing nothings closer to Christmas.
The Headline that made me think was this one:
2) Be grateful for what you have. Like... the roof over your head (no matter what shape or size), family and friends, your access to communication... once you start looking at all the great things in your life, you'll stop wanting so many material things.
I was actually writing a blog about our visit to the Warner Brothers Studios - and I'm going to carry on writing that at some point. However, there is a subject that has grabbed my attention and is of a more serious nature so I wanted to write about this now so I can post amusing nothings closer to Christmas.
The Headline that made me think was this one:
With Christmas approaching, I wonder how many people will be borrowing money to fill the stockings of people they love with things that they probably don't really need.
As a nation, we have a habit of buying things that we can't afford.
Now, I'm not really talking about mortgages or student finances - though if you decide to take on such debt I do think you should have a plan of how you will pay it back - I'm talking about the accumulation of 'stuff'. It kind of irks me to think that to keep up with the latest in technology and fashions people would flash their plastic without ever thinking about the fact that in doing so they are spending money that they don't have.
If they can't afford it now but simply cannot wait to purchase something that seems pretty worrying to me. I have a lot of sympathy for people who are struggling financially and being dragged under because life just seems to keep costing more and more - people for whom a roof over their head and food on the table is just about all they can manage. I can't, however, understand why you'd be in that position and then decide to add to your burden an unsuitably expensive mobile phone contract or a new car.
Borrowers used to refer to the fictional "little people" who borrowed from the big people in order to survive. I would suggest that too many of us have joined them in the walls and floors and instead of helping us to survive, borrowing from the big people is going to lead to them calling in pest control and exterminating us!
Ten Ideas to Help You Stay Afloat Financially (by super-wise people)

1) We all occasionally fall into trap of trying to "keep up with the Joneses". Our neighbour has a (very loud) Ferrari and I know how easy it is to aim to have what other people have rather than to be content. Which leads me on to....
2) Be grateful for what you have. Like... the roof over your head (no matter what shape or size), family and friends, your access to communication... once you start looking at all the great things in your life, you'll stop wanting so many material things.
3) There seems to be an attitude that accompanies spending too much money - especially spending 'plastic' money. That attitude is one of entitlement - I'm having it because I can. Working and saving for something you want is becoming an idea that is foreign when there are all sorts of cash-borrowing schemes around. I really do think that as we work hard we appreciate what we have and we also make ourselves financially better off and more self-reliant. Work creates in us a sense of self-esteem. It's important to learn to work hard!
4) Serve other people. Be kind to people. Find those who are worse off than you whether financially or because they're lonely or unwell and help them. This is another of those things that place our consumerist lusts into perspective.
5) This one might not be easy to do! However, it's useful advice and most of the time it is possible - even if it's only £10 a month. Rainy day cash is so vital!
6) What if we're already in debt? Surely if I'm a significant amount down it's not going to hurt me to buy a sandwich on the road rather than taking lunch with me, right? ;) Deal with the debt first by living frugally for a while. Then you can budget properly and you might even be able to factor in that little extra thing that you like as a treat!
7) Get out of debt! Then, stay out!
8) Financial storms come. You might have one of those months where the car, washing machine, television and every bulb in the house decides that it's more fun to play up. You might have difficulties with loss of employment. Prepare for the worst, work for the best.
9) I love this quote. It emphasises the importance of staying out of debt. When we are able to provide for the things we need and not reliant on anyone else, we have freedom. Otherwise... we're going to get squished by the Big People.
10) Finally, share. Share the burden of finances including decisions about the daily incomings and outgoings. Life is easier, more rewarding and healthier this way.
That's everything for now, folks!
Hope this gets you thinking and talking.
I'd love to hear your comments and advice too!
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Friday, 13 September 2013
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Friday, 9 August 2013
Penultimate Night
The penultimate night of the first British Pageant of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has come to an end. It was an evening of emotion which began with a cast, choir and crew meeting with Elders Russell M. Nelson, Jeffrey R. Holland and two members of the Seventy. One of the reasons that it was so emotional was that many of the real characters that are portrayed in the pageant are in the ancestry of Elder Holland, who served a mission in his ancestral home as a young man.
We had a beautiful meeting with them where expressions of love were exchanged. Elder Kieren (sp?) reminded us about the strength we are given to lift others. It made me think about this week and how much of a roller coaster it has been for so many of us. Fatigue and illness and injury and upset: we've had it all. But we've pulled together for support and at the moment we needed the extra strength from the leadership and love of the church, it has been provided amply.
Elder Evans laughed at the description of our so-called pageant "tent"! He explained to us that in the church leadership the pageant falls under both ''missionary" and "priesthood" because its about both extending our message to those who don't know much about the church and increasing the understanding and faith of the families and members. I've seen this pageant fill both of those roles.
Elder Holland spoke about finding the site for the Preston Temple 22 years ago and telling President Hinckley about the 26 acres. He told President Hinckley "we'll use it!" It now houses a temple, stake centre, missionary training centre, accommodation block and a temporary pageant theatre! Something that really hit me about what he said was in relation to the missionaries coming to England. He talked about how this was a time of trial for the church which was being persecuted and at that time the Prophet Joseph Smith needed support but instead sent his most able men to Britain to gather souls. It was a huge sacrifice but The Lord called them and they, and Joseph, obeyed. In return, they were rewarded by the 65,000 people who joined the church and emigrated. Elder Holland told us, with emotion, "I'm fully prepared to weep through the whole pageant!"
Elder Nelson told us of his English heritage from Somerset from whence his great-grandparents emigrated to Ephraim, Utah. He spoke about other historical events within the British isles such as the first area conference held outside of the states which was in Manchester in 1971. My dad was there! He expressed confidence that the best part of the history of the British Isles is yet to be. He said that the allegiance to The Lord and missionary work are increasing here and he's seeing that. He left us with a blessing that we would have continued joy! I loved that. He said so much that was incredibly beautiful and sacred, as an apostle of The Lord.
It's strange to think that we're going home soon and going further from the temple; the very place that these good British people moved heaven and earth for. I love the temple. I love the fact that Ben and I were sealed in this institution of marriage for all eternity. I'm grateful for that blessing in my life which means that whatever happens to us in terms of mortality, we will stand together one day. Marriage teaches us so much. I love my individuality and want my own identity but I am proud that Ben and I form a family unit. He is my only immediate family now, which is weird when we have so many people around us that we love.
We've learned so much and met so many amazing people here. One of our new little friends asked me today if we would see each other again after tomorrow. Though I couldn't promise that it would happen soon, I told her that I hoped so. And I do. I feel that these relationships developed through pageant will last for much longer than this week. If I don't see these people again for ten years I'll still love them as much as I do now when I do see them. I'll be excited to know where they're at in life and how they are. One of the places I anticipate meeting some of them again in the temple.
Like the early Saints, we are drawn here. It is here, at The House of God, that our unity is at its peak. Here is where we focus on the most important things and see beyond the constraints of time to a place where we will be able to be unrestrained in our love, energy and time for each other. This is what will last far beyond this week. This is the message of pageant for me: Zion. I want to be there. And if I can't always be in Zion as a physical place, then I want it to be in my heart. Pageant has drawn me nearer to that, through an increased love for my neighbour and Our Maker.
It's a great performance; but if that's all you saw, think again! Or better still- come back tomorrow!!! Who knows when you'll get the opportunity again?!
Thursday, 8 August 2013
The British Pageant - The Apostle's Arrival
Today, we had the pleasure of being joined by Elder Russell M. Ballard - one of our Apostles. I have spoken about how being up here is great and that there is a buzz going around, but prior to the arrival of an apostle it ramps up a bit. The rumours that go around, prior to this visit made me laugh such as other church authorities "sneaking in" to watch us (they didn't, by the way!) - it reminds me of Braveheart when the people talk about William Wallace being 8 feet tall and able to take on whole armies on his own!
This time though, it was for real. We began our day by going through the Preston Temple, which as ever was a great way to start any day, then had a fireside scheduled in the afternoon where we were to meet Elder Ballard. We all got ready and in he walked. I am always struck by the fact that the leaders of our church are just men, yet they hold a large responsibility. We love them as people and we revere the call they have as Apostles, yet it is always great to see them in the flesh to remind us that the Lord qualifies the people he calls.
Elder Ballard got up and shared some remarks with us about his connections to the British Isles, including the story of how his family came to find this gospel. It is a great story and I would urge you all to read about it - his great-great-grandfather emigrated from England to America join with the saints and all of his children bar one disowned their parents. The one child who traveled with them ended up having two apostles (M. Russell Ballard and Melvin J. Ballard) in his direct lineage!
Elder Ballard was also a missionary in the British Mission in 1948 and he shared that he "never come[s] to this island without reverence and respect [for those who have gone on before]", which again makes me think about my mission experience in Ireland. I love Ireland and have managed to go there since the mission, and each time I have been I feel a great reverence for that place. I see it as a place where I changed from boy to man - a rite of passage, so to speak - so I always look back on the experience there with a smile, as I'm sure Elder Ballard does when he is able to get back here.
Later on this evening, we had the chance to perform the pageant in front of Elder Ballard and various other general authorities and it was such a good experience. Lately, I have started to tire and although I am putting my all into this still, I felt that my enthusiasm started to wane slightly and the visit of an Apostle could not have been any more timely. As we got ready to perform, I really felt reinvigorated and thought afterwards that it was our best performance yet. It was great to stay on stage after and wave farewell to Elder Ballard and know that everyone in the audience was uplifted by his presence and by the pageant as a whole.
I feel an increased desire to live up to the promises I have made as part of this gospel and I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing it with others through a medium I have never used before. When this pageant rolls around again, which I hope it will, I will definitely be apart of it!
Tomorrow, we have the visit of two more Apostles to write about - can't wait!
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Opening night!
From my perspective, the spirit took hold of the hearts of all of the people who were on that stage. One of the things you quickly realise about this experience is what we are often told "change is the rule" and it is so true. Things change in the schedule, every night up on the stage things change... and hearts change. One thing I'm learning is how to respond and adapt to that change.
I'm the kind of person who likes structure. I like things to be done right. Unfortunately, my definition of the word right is very often to set an unachievable expectation that disappoints me when it isn't met. That is one of the challenges of how my brain works. For example, during the dress rehearsal I felt a bit deflated that there wasn't complete silence backstage. But, tonight, something changed in me. I felt, all of a sudden, that things were being done right to a higher standard than the standard I was using to measure by in my imperfect understanding. As I looked around me and I saw the parents shepherding four children I didn't hear the noises they were making; I finally heard and saw with my heart the perfection of the consecration of time, effort, energy, money and love. I've always felt the children added a lot of good but I saw the noise as a bit of a compromise. Now, I don't feel that way. The children are beautiful because they add enthusiasm and the spirit and that comes hand in hand with all the noise... Suddenly, it's great that they're noisy sometimes. I know Heavenly Father is so glad they are here.
Feeling those things changed everything for me. Tonight was pure joy. Nothing was half-way. I tasted Zion tonight and it was so delicious. It was exactly what Lehi described in his vision of the tree of life. It was glorious. It was triumphant.
It's always great to have it confirmed when you feel that something that happened was miraculous and incredible. Our confirmation tonight came through the news that we don't have to rehearse tomorrow. We are meeting at 6pm for our pre-pageant fireside. That means I can spend the morning in the temple and doing things that will be of great worth to me. I'm just so excited to go into the House of The Lord and be able to thank Him for the incredible spirit that I've felt tonight. It was an outpouring of love that I've felt before but I don't think it's ever come at a more poignant time for me.
I opened the Book of Mormon on stage earlier and read the following passage which reminded me so much of the early Saints of Britain who we are portraying:
"Behold, he changed their hearts; yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. Behold, they were in the midst of darkness; nevertheless, their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word; yea, they were encircled about by the bands of death, and the chains of hell, and an everlasting destruction did await them. And now I ask of you, my brethren, were they destroyed? Behold, I say unto you, Nay, they were not. And again I ask, were the bands of death broken, and the chains of hell which encircled them about, were they loosed? I say unto you, Yea, they were loosed, and their souls did expand, and they did sing redeeming love. And I say unto you that they are saved."
I love this gospel. I love the way it changes and forms us as we follow the Saviour more perfectly each day. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share the things I know and love. I'm grateful that He lives and is my daily teacher through the Holy Ghost.Monday, 5 August 2013
First day of performances...
The British Pageant - First full run-through
At the time of writing, we have just come back from dinner and previous to this we (the whole cast for the second week) did our first full run-through of the whole pageant.
We have spent the last 5 days working through each scene and dance, trying to learn everything and make sure we know things like our cues, where we're supposed to be on stage, the dance moves and much more. It has at times felt a little overwhelming with the amount of learning we have had to do (especially for complete amateurs like me!), but today when we went through the whole thing together I finally felt that we could actually do this.
As we went through everything in order, a couple of things stood out to me:
First, the pageant is a lot shorter when you're in it! Harriet and I have quite a large gap between scenes at one point, yet during the run-through it shot by. Thankfully for me, Harriet was aware of how quickly time was passing and we got on in time.
The second thing I noticed was that it is quite a powerful experience being on stage. As I have written previously, I have never done this kind of thing before. I definitely felt the "buzz" from being up there and can see how actors and actresses get a kick out of it.
Since I wrote the paragraphs above, Harriet and I have just participated in the proper dress rehearsal in front of a couple of hundred people. The information above still applies and now that we've had a proper audience, the feelings in the previous paragraph in particular are even more poignant. What I was saying was that I can see how professionals get a buzz and possibly can become addicted to it, requiring more and more.
What is different about this experience as a whole is that there is something else there. On top of the buzz you may feel from the appreciative audience there is an extra, more satisfying feeling that lasts much longer. Because of the nature of this production (or "experience", as the creative team are calling it), there isn't just a storyline and plot. There is truth being taught and because of this, the spirit testifies to all who are open and willing to feel it. People can come away feeling inspired by the plot, while they can also come away with a desire to come closer to Christ, which is what we want to happen!
Anyway, tomorrow night is our first performance before a full house (around 1,700 people) and I am massively looking forward to it. As the pageant testifies: Truth Will Prevail!
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Friday, 2 August 2013
The British Pageant 2013 - Ben's Perspective
The British Pageant 2013 - Ben's Perspective
When I married Harriet, I knew I was marrying into a musical
family. I knew they had all done something theatre-ish to some extent, so I
knew that at some point I would feel obliged to take part.
I must admit that joining Lichfield Stake Choir was
something I felt obliged to do, but the fun I had taking part in that was
something that has changed my whole attitude towards performing as a whole. I
loved taking part and for the first time in my life, I looked forward to
singing in front of a reasonably large group of people. When we performed as
part of a choir, we performed in front of an audience of around 150-200, which
to me was a pretty daunting task. The performances went well and I felt the
buzz that comes from performing, while those familiar feelings of the spirit
came as we shared the gospel through song.
After doing other musical things (Harriet and I sang a duet
at a baptism – something else I never thought I would do), I have become more
at home with singing in front of groups, so when the opportunity came to be
involved in the first ever British Pageant here in Chorley, I knew we would be
taking part in some way.
Harriet and I signed up to be a part of the Family Cast,
which in a lot of other performances would be known as the ensemble. I have
become more and more excited about this role and today took part in the first
of what I assume will be many practice sessions where we do some singing and…
wait for it… dancing. Another thing I never, EVER dreamed I would do in front
of people. Just as before with singing, rather than denying myself the chance
to see if I’m perhaps good at something else, I decided to just throw all
caution to the wind and go for it. And guess what?? It was FUN! Fun? Dancing?
Moi? And I even managed to get through a whole practice session without injuring
either myself or some other poor soul unfortunate enough to be in my immediate
Now that the fun side has been talked about, I want to talk
about the other experiences I have had at the Pageant so far. Those of you that
know me will know that Ben’s serious moments are rare, so here’s a chance to
witness one.
Last night we were able to sit in what is now called “The
Pageant Theatre” to watch the cast perform on opening night. I had already seen
run-throughs of the plot, but when I first saw it performed properly, I
connected with the characters portrayed so well by the volunteers on stage. I
thought about when I moved over to live in Utah while at university and about
how easy it was for me to do that. I traveled over on a plane, was able to
speak to my family regularly and I even got to travel home at least once a
One scene of the pageant shows the main families bidding
farewell to their home as they traveled by boat to a land they knew next to nothing
about. I can’t imagine what they were feeling. I knew when I went over there
that when I got homesick and missed the green, rolling hills of Rutland that I
would just have to wait for a few months and I would see it again. I even moved
back there when I finished my studies. The early British saints were leaving
this beautiful country never to see it again. Some left behind whole families
and sacrificed everything because they had faith that in the grand scheme of
things, all would indeed be well, as the hymn goes.
I feel so humbled to be a part of this pageant in
celebration of the first baptisms here in England 175 years ago. I feel my
testimony of the truth of this gospel being strengthened daily, while I also
feel so proud to be British. I feel proud of my heritage and immensely thankful
to those who sacrificed so much to make my life so easy. I am grateful that I
don’t have to endure the persecution they had to endure, but I am most proud of
the fact that I get to share this gospel with others.
I loved the time I spent out in Utah – the “Zion” that was
established for the most part on the backs of these hardy British souls – but I
always kept a part of my country in my heart while I was there because I knew
that my heart lay at home in England. Now, almost a year after being married to
Harriet for time and all eternity, I know why the pull to return home was so
Thursday, 1 August 2013
The British Pageant: Audience View
As you will not have escaped hearing, there is a pageant going on at Preston Temple in Chorley. Ben and I have been excited about it for weeks and have been finding as many ways as we can to get involved. This excitement really came to the front yesterday when we heard the recordings of the choir that we were part of a couple of weeks ago.
We were astonished at the sound that came through even on my little mobile phone adding all its distortions. We were touched to hear the music with the instrumental and choir combined – partly because we didn’t get chance to hear this as we recorded. It sounds strange, but we actually recorded in complete silence with only our conductor, Beth Trebilcock, able to hear the pre-recorded backing from the orchestra. As such, we had to follow with exact obedience. When we did exactly as Beth directed, we got it. When we tried to lean to our own understanding, we failed. It’s amazing the lessons you can learn from this pageant!
Last night we had the opportunity to be part of the pageant audience. This meant a certain amount of frivolity before the show including dressing up in period costume and having our photo taken. Rest-assured, when I have it so will you! ;)
I want to give you my views on the pageant as a spectator and as a participant. Firstly, though, let me put the whole thing into some perspective location-wise:
The “Pageant theatre”, as they are calling the enormous semi-permanent ‘marquee’, is on the temple grounds and from it, through the trees, you can see the spire of the building that for 15 years has made its mark on the Chorley landscape. It is the perfect setting for the pageant that leaves as one of its closing and predominant themes the LDS doctrine that families can be together forever. The temple is the place that we believe the authority can be exercised to ensure this.
On stepping into the Pageant Theatre you are transported to the Victorian period and the first character we meet is Arthur Ashton, a man full of humour and energy despite many hardships and uncertainties. Though part of the fictional family (unlike most of the other central characters of the show) he is the vehicle through which the story moves. He is a widower with four children and one of the elements that I found surprising and poignant in the show was something I had not seen in rehearsal – that when he talks aloud to his beloved wife who has passed on, she is there on the bridge of the stage where the choir stand, promoting the feeling that the choir are ancestors looking on.
Arthur’s relationship with his daughter Sarah Ashton (played by my sister: Rebecca Maclean) is a pivotal one to the story. It was moving and well-acted throughout the pageant. Sarah hears the preaching of Heber C Kimball and gains a testimony of the truth, leading to her asking her father for permission to be baptised and eventually telling him that she will go with the Saints to America. The interaction between Arthur, Sarah and the other children of the Ashton family are among the highlights of the show.
Which, leads me on to the children of the pageant. The cast had a variety of ages that I would say must be unrivalled in theatres anywhere. I can’t imagine where else you would get this volume of children performing on stage with adults of all ages, including the ‘more experienced’ as the over 70s were politely referred to during rehearsals. Not only did they have the cute factor – they were good. It’s one thing to see children behaving themselves and a completely different thing to see them display actual ability and in this case there was both. Of note was the performance of “Suo Guan” (sp?) by the two boys who were travelling to Liverpool from Wales to join the Saints there; and a beautiful rendition of “Fair in the Sunshine” by a group of children portraying the Saints of Downham.
The set was another thing that kept evolving and was incredibly well done. Particularly the ‘ship’ that comes on as the final set looked fantastic and was very convincing.
The audience particularly enjoyed the character of Twiselton Turley (sp?) and his wife. With their cheeky charm and cockney accents they had the audience laughing with them and rooting for them. Scotsman Ben Hunter’s character was also very well received.
After one of the big dance numbers there was a spontaneous eruption of clapping and cheering from the audience. As part of this body, I felt energised by the cast and wanted to jump to my feet with them – which is as well because I may well get to be part of that this week!
As a member of the LDS church, I tried to consider how the pageant would have come across to me if I was not of the same faith as the people on stage. Even if you don’t believe as we believe, it is an incredible and enthusiastic performance showcasing the real talent of lots of young people. It is a story well-told and the story of the faith that the Canons, the Benbows and the other noteable families showed is a true story. If you want to understand the historical importance of events that took place here in England, this pageant is a fantastic place to start.
One of the things I particularly enjoyed throughout was the music. Sometimes barely audible even under some dialogue, the music for me provided the atmosphere and the authenticity to the retelling of the events.
There’s so much going on in this pageant I could tell you about character after character, scene after scene that were note-worthy and excellent but I’m sure you’re getting bored of reading: in this case, it’s better to see it for yourself. Me? I’m excited to be part of it!
In conclusion: beg, steal or borrow a ticket. But don’t steal, because that’s wrong. Either way, get there, get your family there. It’s a great night out with a fun atmosphere and characters you can really invest in. And there’s a message of family and love. Above all, those are the things that the LDS church and the rest of the world can certainly agree upon as being the foundation for happiness.
Us, ready for pageant.

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