Thursday 18 October 2012

Giggling Again

Ben's in the kitchen preparing dinner and singing. I'm getting renditions of "What shall we do with the drunken sailor" in a strong pirate accent mingled with outbursts of 'potato talk' in Ben's best "sexy" Irish accent.

"yoo lov it... it sunds like aim from Westloife"

So, of course, I'm giggling again.

I've really noticed a turn up in my mood this week, actually. It sounds strange because it's been such a happy two months (wow! Two months!) but I started thinking about all the changes that have occurred recently and I realised that, as I'm adjusting, my outlook is getting brighter and brighter. I'm much more able to laugh than I was a month ago. On the surface I think the change was all taken in my stride but perhaps more than even I realised, underneath I was paddling along with a little more difficulty than usual.

Fortunately the transition has been made quite smooth by a wonderful husband. It's difficult to know exactly how 'mushy' to be publicly and I actually don't want to come across at all that way. I love Ben and I know he's got weaknesses. I just feel incredibly blessed to be with him. He really has been the best source of support I could have wished for during this transition. He constantly makes me laugh. The best evidence sometimes of Heavenly Father's love can be the people around us and Ben is a daily reminder that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants me to be happy.

Finally our honeymoon pictures are all up and looking through them has been a wonderful reminder of that happy time and the love that surrounds us. I'm so grateful that we had the opportunity given to us so generously to go to such a wonderful place!

In food news: I made lasagne this week. It was genuinely pleasant. Good enough to eat two days in a row. Now at least I know that if we have two guests round this is a good go-to meal, though it does take ages. The recipe I used did suggest cooking the mince for two hours though. TWO HOURS! I suppose if you have time you are literally just leaving it to simmer but my goodness. I left it on a slightly higher heat for about 30 minutes and it didn't kill us.

I was advised (and I ignored the advice, sorry!) to not cake the top of it with cheese because it would get all oily. Surprisingly enough it came out quite well despite me doing this!

Other dishes of the week?
Yesterday was a total mish-mash. I tried to do carrot and potato rosti before realising I didn't have a flat enough pan to flip it without it just disintegrating, so we ended up with pealed potato and carrot mush. We had burgers left over so I cooked those up, and then tried to tie the whole thing together with a creamy-tomato sauce (literally cream, chopped tomatoes, onion and pepper- my kind of cooking...!). It sounds so atrocious but it was edible at least!

I'm so looking forward to the weekend: we're going to spend some time with my cousin and his wife. I can't wait! Also, there's a baptism taking place this Sunday of a young man in the ward- so exciting!

Keeeeep Smiling! 
(In the style of Bruce Forsyth) 

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