Thursday 20 December 2012


Christmas is so close I can almost taste it (though that might be something to do with the quarter-full tub of Cadbury's Roses currently sitting beside me) and something a patient said to me when leaving clinic today made me think. Her words were: "Happy Christmas!... if you believe in it." 

It was an interesting statement to make because Christmas doesn't actually seem to be related to what people believe anymore. I know there are all these things on the news about people being sued and having to call it "Happy Holidays" instead but that's not what I see. In some ways the people taking offence to Christmas as a religious festival at least acknowledge Christmas as being related to religion. There are so many people that seem to be so able to just ignore the religious element altogether. 

On the converse side, we have adverts like this one from The Church of England. I saw this on my way into hospital in Birmingham and I think it's the oddest sign I've ever seen. The reactions to it haven't been the greatest with some calling it blasphemous to depict Jesus Christ as a plastic doll and others questioning what the advert is supposed to achieve. I think my opinion is more with the latter. Rather than giving people something to give them the 'warm fuzzies' about the Season of Good Cheer, this seems like more of a mockery.

I like the nativity scenes that have appeared in many town centres; the one photographed at the top of the blog post is in Birmingham. It's a reverent scene that is depicted and a sacred topic. That's where I think the "Godbaby" campaign went wrong. There's no dignity about these big posters that have been put up to 'remind' people of one of the most profound events in human history; whatever religion you are it is undeniable that the existence of this man changed lives. It continues to today. It is amazing to reflect on the Saviour's birth at this time of year- a person that proved that a single being can change the world, if nothing else.

My personal belief is that this baby born to a virgin mother was actually the Son of God - with the characteristics of both His Father and his mother, Mary that allowed Him to accomplish the wonders that He did... above all, the atonement.

I'm trying hard to bring the true spirit of Christmas into my December this year; the spirit of Christ. I recommend watching this if you want to do the same, whether it's for the music, the messages about Christmas or just a dignified Christian perspective on this sacred time of year.

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