Saturday 27 July 2013

...And I'm Feeling Good...

I've recently fallen out with my body. I looked at it one day and decided that it simply wasn't good enough. It replied by craving yet another jaffa cake or two... or the packet. 

Now, I don't want you to get the wrong impression of this relationship I have with my body and my *dare I say it* weight. I know that there are people that I'm larger than and people that I'm smaller than and actually largely (lol) I'm ok with that. I'm not judging myself against other people; I'm looking at what would be ideal for me. At the end of the day, I want to be the healthiest me that I can be regardless of where that would put me in a line-up. Due to this desire, in February Ben and I joined a gym and I've been going 3 times a week and really enjoying the exercise. However, I found that when I got on the scales the other day I was unpleasantly surprised. Instead of losing weight from my gym going I seemed to have gained it. While massively illogical I think it probably goes something like this: 

  1. Harriet goes to the gym
  2. Harriet feels pekish
  3. Harriet feels good because she's been to the gym 
  4. Harriet justifies snacking on rubbish 
And there you have it - I get fatter not thinner! 

So, I decided that desperate times call for desperate measures and with that my conclusion was that I would have to start counting calories. This was a pretty horrific thing to consider but actually it's become quite a cool challenge. I've been doing it for a week now and I've already had results! 

It's not about being thin. It's about being healthy. I feel that it's too easy to give up on oneself and simply be resigned to a BMI that sounds more like a pin number. As a medical student I've seen some of the potential impact carrying extra weight can have on a person's health. I've seen joint problems, heart conditions, diabetes and many other issues that aren't necessarily caused by obesity but that are certainly not helped by it. If you can see the end from the beginning, wouldn't you try and avoid it? 

So that's what I'm doing! 

And it feels great!!!

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